Adri L France

Writer, Script doc, PA, Camera, Technical Director, Producer, Substance Abuse Counseling,
About Me
Adri Liebenberg France, AKA Adri Florence Liebenberg, was born in Mamre, on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. She speaks two languages: Afrikaans and English. Her parents are Adriaan Jakobus Liebenberg and Georgina Liebenberg (née Van Niekerk). She has 7 siblings and a big extended family. In 2000 she came to the US as an Au Pair in Cincinnati OH and since then she established herself in Dayton OH. With a Degree in Social Work and credentials as a Licensed Chemicals. As a screenwriter, producer, and actress she has founded a production company 'Maktub Productions'. She is also a member of Women in Film (Cincinnati), FilmDayton, DATV, and International Screenwriters Association. Recently she has written and produced a short film ‘Lonely Matrimony’ in association with Brave Runner and Soul Fire Productions. This short film has received awards for Best Short Film, Best screenplay, and Best Director with National Film Festivals. With Soul Fire Productions, she is currently a producer and has also been working on a tv series as a co-writer. Adri hopes to continue to bring other projects such as independent films, documentaries and tv shows to the screen.
Associate's Degree in Social Work, Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
Short Film - Lonely Matrimony, other
Contact Information
PHONE: (937) 313 1638